Sunday, June 26, 2016

They say that God never gives you more than you can handle...

...I wish he didn't trust me so much.

So, all has been well in Minneapolis. Gracie has been resting and healing at the Ronald McDonald House in anticipation for her first big follow-up appointment which is tomorrow. We are hoping to hear great news from Dr. Walker, clearing her to begin weight bearing exercises like standing and walking. We're also hoping to establish a timeline for bringing her home as well, so we ask all of our Gracie fans to be in prayer with fingers-crossed that Gracie does well at her clinic appointment and also her first therapy appointment which will be after she sees Dr. Walker.

Last week, Gracie's Noni and Munts surprised her with a secret visit to Minneapolis. They had a few really great days together, and they spent some good quality time without the rush of many planned activities. If you're curious to see Gracie's feeling about the surprise visit, allow me to direct your attention to the photo below.  :)

While Gracie and her grandparents were enjoying a special visit, Mommy and Hank were busy taking care of things at home. Noni and Munts recently had a stray cat adopt them, then deciding to bring her kittens to live with her at their house as well. Hank and I spent most of the week at Noni and Munts' house, aka "KittyLand" taking care of the new brood and keeping the peace. On our last night in KittyLand, Hank suffered a nasty fall out of the bed at 4 am and managed to break his arm. Hank's Official Diagnosis: Supracondylar fracture of the humerus. This spectacular feat earned us a visit to the local hospital, and then a nice ambulance ride to ShandsUF.. where they dropped the bomb that Hank would also need surgery to place pins in his arm to aid in setting it. I laughed in the doctor's face when she told me that was what was going to happen. My Official Diagnosis: Slight Fracture of Sanity. We ended up having a lengthy wait for surgery, 6+ hours after it was originally scheduled and my sanity continued to splinter. However, Hank came through it like a champ and managed to consume 4 red popsicles for a late dinner after it was all over. He certainly earned them!  We were released to come home the next day with a heavy soft cast that will be removed on Wednesday. The pins will be removed that day as well, so please pray for our baby boy as I suspect that it will not be a pleasant ordeal to remove them. Also pray for speedy healing- thankfully he is not in much pain and is ready to get back to being the happy-go-lucky clutzy boy that we know and love.

Please continue to be in prayer for our family. I tell this story with humor because that's my coping mechanism, but in truth I am kind of hanging on by a thread. On the other hand, I am so grateful that my children are both on the mend, and are not suffering like so many other children and parents may be tonight as I write this post. In spite of the difficulties we are enduring, we are truly blessed with each other, a supportive family, wonderful friends, an amazing church family, and generous and understanding employers. Not to mention the many friends- known and unknown- far and near who are praying for us and sending their good thoughts to Gracie through the mail. 

If you look at the big picture- my cup runneth over. 

But honestly, I'm just trying my hardest to hang on through this wild ride. Thanks for your thoughts, prayers, and many kindnesses. Much love.

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