Sunday, June 1, 2008

Day +24 - Quick Update

Hey guys,

Welcome to June! Crazy, eh? Things in Minneapolis are ok. The weather is absolutely gorgeous today. Of course, yesterday we heard tornado air horns. :) Yesterday was still pretty hard. Gracie doesn't really like her new line placement and really hates the dressing changes - which need to be more frequent due to the new line and increased infection risk. With just me and Sarah here this week, it'll be tough for Sarah, because she essentially can't leave the hospital for more than an hour or two to get cleaned up and unwind. :( I can do a lot and stick it out for a while, but I'm just not Noni. Pray for Sarah's continued good health.

Sarah said the the interventional radiologist stopped by yesterday to apologize about the PACU experience. Not sure if you say testdriver's comment on yesterday's posting, but it was all 100% true. The solution to this problem was easy - just communicate better and do what s best for both Sarah and Grace.

The apology was a nice gesture, and I'm sure it wasn't easy for him to come up and do that. I guess that means I'll need to find a new main course to go with my side of prickly resident. I'd go with fried Zelda, but she was far too sour for my taste. Even a good batter and grease wouldn't change that. :) Let's just hope we don't need to go through anything like that again.

Gracie numbers continue to climb. I don't recall the exact numbers but will get back to you. I just know they are higher than the other day.

OH! I forgot to tell you... Given Sarah's new tough mom, take no shit attitude with the hospital staff, she took another step yesterday... Not sure if you recall this, but at the outset of her hospital admission, Sarah got to observe different staff members on the BMT unit, and pick a primary team of nurses to take care of Gracie. While she knew that we would be dealing with other nurses too, when the chosen nurses are working, they are supposed to work with Gracie.

Well, for the past two nights, one of Sarah's chosen nurses (Holly) has been on the unit but working with other patients. Sarah talked to Holly, who really wants to work with Gracie too, but has been assigned to other patients. Well, last night, Sarah had a little chat with the charge nurse who sets the schedule and assigns patients. In short, she reminded the charge nurse that she went through the process of choosing a team for a reason, and wants to be sure that the unit management is following her wishes. Go Sarah!!!!

Anyway, while we still kept the same nurse last night, Holly stopped by and said that Sarah did the right thing, and that the charge nurse put a note by Gracie's name saying, "Insists on consistent nursing team" so the rest of the managers will see it. The nurse we've had the last two nights is great, so not a huge problem. But still, so proud of Sarah for sticking up for herself and Gracie.

The other change is that Gracie is chillin in the crib now. Belooking for Gracie's MTV Cribs episode soon - She'll show off her tower of IV pumps and tubes, her collection of binkies, the home-made bumpers in the crib, and of course her big screen plasma monitors. Good news is that means there is room for a roll-away cot for Sarah. Bad news is that you spend every waking moment standing up and reaching into the damn crib. My back is killing me, I know Sarah's must be worse...

By the way, congrats to our friend Rylie down the hall on unit 5-D, who just got her engraftment test results the other day and was 100% engrafted with the new cells! Yay Rylie! Keep up the good fight, sugar booger! We are praying for the same success when we get results early this week. :)

OK, clearly uncle mack isn't capable of a "quick" update. :)


Anonymous said...

Yay Rylie!

No matter Uncle Mack, we love your comments and appreciate the updates whether long or short!

I am glad it all eventually worked out with the bleeding but how scary and frustrating for all involved. I know that I myself, as a care provider, often forget that even though I have been through something a million times before it is NEW and scary for my patients who haven't. Thanks for that reminder!

Still keeping the prayers and good thoughts coming for ALL of you.

GROW grow GROW!!

Lori said...

Way to go Sarah!! I was up late last night after reading post making Zelda voo-doo doll...sticking pins in now, in between reading posts. Sounds fairly appropriate, and am paying particular attention to areas where she caused the most discomfort.

Testdriver said...

There's nothing better you could have done, Sarah, than to insist on the most consistent nursing team you can get. No other measure will go farther at this point to ensure that Gracie's care is top notch.

Congratulations. I am mighty proud of you, and hope one day to have great big balls like yours!!
