Thursday, June 12, 2008

Quick Update - Day +35

Quick Update -

I think it's +35 today, could be +36.... I just spoke with Jimmy. The bacterial infection is not resistant to Vancomycin (VRE), so the docs are putting Gracie back on Vancomycin as the antibiotic to fight the infection. This is GREAT news. Uncle Mack was very scared of VRE. Lets hope she gets rid it quickly! They definitely won't be discharged to RMH until the infection is history!

Counts are a little down, but still unbelievable - white blood cell = 5.9 neutrophils - 3.1 Not too shabby. GROW! GROW! GROW!

In 15 minutes, Gracie will have no cords or tubes attached to her, and she won't be connected to any equipment. None! Just for a few hours, but still it will be the first time she has been "untethered" since this all started. Congrats!

In other great news. Rylie, our Hurler friend in 512 is also in discharge talks. Hopefully, she and Gracie will both be chillin' at the RMH in their little masks. I hear baby blue is the new black, so they will be looking fly!

Later taters.


Kelsey said...

I hope everything clears up fast so that Gracie can be discharged. So glad to hear all her numbers are looking so great!

Still thinking and praying for all of the kiddos.

lola said...

How exciting for the lil' not to be tethered. I love that idea.

I can't wait for them both to be discharged to the RMH!!

Thanks for the updates Uncle Mack!


*Adriann* said...

i'm sure being "free" felt great!! I am so thankful for the infection being responsive to that antibiotic!! Here's to discharge very very soon!!